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6 Jun 2006

Thanks to Wolfwings for the donation of a new motherboard for the server! This screaming bad-boy features a pair of 1.4 GHz Athlon processors and half a gig of RAM. Should be totally stable and blazingly fast. So let's play some Shadowrun!
7 Dec 2005
Hey, gang. Craig here. We don't know what's causing the recent instability in the server, though it's possible that one of our recent upgrades to the server is causing it to flake out. Joel's busy right now, so I'm doing my best to get it back up and running. Please bear with me. If nothing else, he should be awake in just a few hours and be able to get it working properly.
30 Dec 2003
Temporarily, Denver is on a new IP address. This address will most likely not be permanent. The address is: port 1999. DNS is changing over, and the port 1999 address should work soon again.
27 Apr 2002

The log of last night's player meeting has been posted here. All in all, it was a really good forum for a number of topics.

03 Feb 2002

We've posted a new page called the Shadowrun Primer. It contains a brief introduction to the rules of Shadowrun to help clarify some of the confusing points and help you get started more quickly. It's not any sort of replacement for the books, but hopefully it'll help you get started. Check it out on the Primer page.

05 Jan 2002
To handle some of those Frequently Asked Questions we get all the time, we've posted a new page off of here, containing our FAQ. A lot of good information can be found here, and it's recommended reading for players of the game. Select the FAQ page to try it out.
04 July 2001

It's here! We don't need no stinkin' MUSH client! You can now log in to the game using this web page. The client should provide full line-wrapping support, full ANSI color emulation, separation of lines, and about a 500-line scrollback buffer. It was specifically designed for Shadowrun Denver MUSH by Wyldfire. Though still in beta-testing, feel free to use it and see how it goes. Select the Connect link to try it out.

02 July 2001

Several new revisions have been made to the web site to integrate it more thoroughly with the game. First, most of the documents available within the game have been placed onto the web site. You can view this information through the Resources section.

22 June 2001

Chargen is now officially open! Yaaaay! You can now design characters with comfort and ease. Application turnover will also be reduced a lot, since there will both be a lot fewer mistakes on sheets, and the admins won't have to set your entire sheet by hand. Nifty, huh? Kudos to Wyldfire, he's been working on that thing for weeks!

20 June 2001

The Denver maps have been revised - there was a small error in the extent of the Free Trade Zone in the Players section that's been corrected. We're working on bringing up the grid's descriptions to match.

If you'd like to help contribute to this site, drop an E-mail to or Thanks!

This page Copyright ©2001 by Joel E. Ricketts and Craig G. Rickel. All Rights Reserved. Some information and content Copyright ©1999 by FASA Corporation and/or Wizkids, LLC, and its use or reference here is not intended as any sort of challenge to those Copyrights. Shadowrun is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation.