Furry Code: FXGmps4dmsA+C-D+++H++(-)M++++P++++RLLWac++mud--e+f+++h+++i++wfjp-sf++
Dileas - her name is Gaelic for faithful, and she is a midget griffin, perhaps four feet in height (when standing humanlike). Her patterning is atypical for a griffin, being, instead of eagle and lion, a mingling of lynx, wolf, and hawk - smaller creatures perhaps accounting for her differing size, in part. Her brown and russet feathers blur into soft grey fur, and her feline ears have sweeping tufts of black hair. Her hindquarters are covered in coarser fur, as the feline blends into the canine in a usually perplexing manner.
However, Dil makes up for her slight size with a variety of other abilities. First off is her tendency to haul things out of n-space as they are needed, or put them there. Her strength, like any dwarf's, is fairly impressive; she will also, when the fancy strikes her, slip into one of her componen beasts fully. Other talents which she may or may not have are, as she wishes it, a mystery.
Her prize posession is a harp named Gradhaich, which she keeps in a carefully maintained case and carries with her always. The carry-strap for the harp is a highland tartan, largely red-orange, with a band of green and of black (the black having a thin white line through it) making it into large squares, each of which is divided with thin stripes - green - black - green - into smaller ones.
Dileas is an inhabitant of FurryMUCK. (furry.org 8888)